calendar October 2, 2024 12:00PM EDT

Adding Metacognitive Self-Reflection to Inform Peer Feedback

Discover how integrating metacognitive self-reflection into peer feedback can create a more equitable and accurate evaluation process.

Peer Evaluation in TBL Peer Evaluation in TBL

About this event

Developing the ability to give and receive constructive feedback is one of the objectives that we set for our students in team-based learning courses, and one of the outcomes that TBL is best at producing. Its three-pronged approach to accountability, with feedback structures for individual work, teamwork, and peer interaction, offers a multi-faceted opportunity for students to reflect on their performance. While we can provide forms, rubrics, guidance, and examples to students to encourage them to provide useful and constructive feedback, we often receive all “10s”, negatively biased criticism or gushing flattery that doesn’t provide usable feedback, or worse, outcomes that result in grade inflation or deflation. Students are hesitant to “judge” each other and resistant to, as they frequently complain, “being graded by their peers.” A thorough introduction helps with these issues, but there is another way to add validity and usefulness to peer feedback. By including appropriate question prompts that are embedded within a metacognitive development framework to a process of guided self- and peer feedback, we facilitate a safe environment within which students can consider how their own assumptions or limited understanding creates barriers to equitable and useful peer assessment. Intentional self-reflection prepares students to make more accurate decisions about the quality of others' work. By using a metacognitive framework, we add depth and breadth to students’ responses, and to the ways in which they reflect on and integrate their teammates' feedback.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate connections between metacognition and self-reflection toward integrating metacognition into peer feedback.
  • Recognize the ways in which course structure promotes a safe environment to support students’ ability to self-reflect prior to assessing others, and to prepare for receiving feedback.
  • Apply a framework for integrating self-reflection into the peer feedback process.

Who this is for?

  • Educators, instructional designers who are considering transforming their traditional lectures into flipped classroom modules and are considering using a team-based learning approach
  • For administrators and IT personnel looking for pedagogical solutions to make large classes more engaging and fun in an online environment

Online Events Details



calendar-1 Oct 2, 11:00AM CDT
New York

New York

calendar Oct 2, 12:00PM EDT


calendar-1 Oct 3, 12:00AM SGT


calendar-2 Oct 2, 5:00PM BST

About the facilitators

Dr. Laurie Schroder

Dr. Schroder teaches exercise physiology, therapeutic exercise, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and wound care in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at East Tennessee State University. She is a licensed physical therapist and has been engaged in higher education since 2008. Team-based Learning is one of many active, adult-learner focused methods that she uses in her classrooms. Her hobbies include beekeeping, gardening, reading, and photography.

Laurie Schroder Ellipse 4 Green Circle
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Dr. Cortny Williams

Dr. Williams teaches biochemistry, nutrition, physiology, and pathology in the Doctor of Chiropractic Program at University of Western States in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Williams has been using team-based learning since 2017. She is the chair of the TBLC Education Development committee and is a certified TBLC trainer/consultant. Her research is centered on metacognitive peer evaluation and accessibility for student centered learning. In her spare time, Dr. Williams goes camping and hiking, cooks colorful meals, and enjoys adventures with her family.

Cortny Williams (Transparent) Ellipse 4 Green Circle
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Looking to attend any other workshop?

What our workshop participants say

What our workshop participants say

I work in the administration with tasks like adapting the syllabus to the teaching and assessment so it is very valuable to understand how TBL works in real life to be able to transform it to a legal language.

Carolina Carneck

Karolinska Institute, Administrative Officer

Being on the learner side, exploring how learners would utilize the platform were the most valuable aspect of the workshop.

Shikara Poblete

University of Santo Tomas, Faculty - Civil Engineering

Learning from the students' perspective is the most valuable aspect of these TBL-styled workshops.

Holly Turula

Western Michigan University, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Science

This was valuable to me as a refresher since I have not tried to run an online TBL since spring 2020. It was also valuable to network with people from other institutions and hear how they are using TBL in their curriculum.

Rachel Hopkins

SUNY Upstate Medical University, Associate Professor, Medicine

We have been doing TBL for a number of years and I think these workshops gave us a better idea of what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong, as well as just raising our game in general. Also, we put together our TBL sessions in an ad hoc manner, but having tutors that have done hundreds of these sessions discuss the reasoning behind the way they do things gave me a lot to think about. We formally focused on the mechanics of running TBL rather than just trying to "put together a case". It just feels more structured and focused now than it did before the workshop.

Ronald Mackenzie, PhD

Texas McGovern Medical Center, Assistant Professor, Research

Very well organized workshop, covered many questions about how online TBL works, emphasized issues/problems in moving online

Kevin Krane

Tulane University, Vice Deam Professor, Academic Affairs Medicine

I enjoyed the workshop thoroughly - getting to experience online TBL as a participant, getting helpful tips on facilitation, getting to ask questions about things I had wondered about. Learning that facilitating can work better if you address particular teams was transformative.

Tessa Milman

University of Southern California, Assistant Professor, Clinical Occupational Therapy

Getting to work closely with experts in all different fields, getting the opportunity to hear from persons from all different backgrounds and expertise. The variety fo guest facilitators were also great.

Stephanie Date

Ross University, Instructor Medical Foundations

It was straightforward, and it led me to believe that I can easily do TBL in online modality.

Martha Mansah

Griffith University, Lecturer, Nursing

The idea that TBL can be done online finds me in awe since we have been doing it in-person and online TBL is much easier from a students' perspective!

Michael Busa

University of Massachusetts Amherst, Director, Center for Human Health & Performance

All aspects of the workshop were valuable. I learned things ouside of the curriculum; appreciation of others viewpoints, to keep an open mind to different techniques, to let others voice their views and speak.

Ian Murray

Texas A&M University, Instructional Associate Professor, Physiology

While I was already familiar with TBL, this workshop really helped me visualize how to move it online. It was very helpful to see how it was moderated. I gained a great deal from the discussions with the others. It was good to review the core principles.

Neal Carter

Brigham Young University - Idaho, Professor, Political Science

I loved the workshop - all of it! Probably most valuable was experiencing first hand how it all works together in the online environment. Besides that, learning about constructing MCQs and how to construct an effective TBL module were most useful.

Fiona Denney

Brunel University London Brunel Business School, Professor, Business Education

Great example of the introduction and how to prep participants on what was going to happen and how and when. Very helpful to see the breakout sessions along with the full group interaction. Also a nice demonstration of how to handle incoming comments and questions from the participants.

Kristin Gosselink

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, Associate Professor, Physiology & Pathology

I value that I was able to come away visualizing how I could implement TBL in an online environment.

Dana Wanzer

University of Wisconsin-Stout, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Team-Based Learning Fundamentals Series turned out to be a great learning experience for me. The series illustrated how the prework and participation in the process leads to greater understanding and retention. I've had some experience with TBL in the past, however, learning from these experts with years of experience brought my understanding, and hopefully skills, to another level altogether.

Miriam Feuerman, PhD

SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Associate Professor

I wanted to thank the InteDashboard team for hosting such a wonderful workshop series. Communication was timely and accurate, all the learning outcomes and my personal expectations were met, organization was superb, and I learned a lot! I will definitely recomment InteDashboard and any workshops you host to my colleagues. Plus, I hope to convince my administration to adopt InteDashboard to facilitate our TBL activities.

Adam Kolatorowicz, PhD

DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine at LMU-Knoxville, Associate Professor, Anatomy

I enjoyed the online workshop series experience very much and feel I did get a good start on understanding some of the basics of TBL. I am not on the cutting edge of using technology and learning via online methods so it was a bit out of my comfort zone as I tried to manage the technology, listening and participating, and summarizing. Having said that, I think it is a tribute to the quality of the program that made the experience enjoyable and a meaningful learning opportunity. I am appreciative of the entire team, including the facilitators, that were a part of this program. Your follow-up and the technology support was evident and consistently well handled. Also, I did like working with the same team members throughout the program and also found it helpful to hear from the other program participants whose previous TBL experiences contributed to the discussions.

Margaret L. Wilkinson, PhD, MA

Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Associate Dean Assistant Professor, Pre-Clinical Education Department of Family Medicine

The most valuable takeaway from the workshop was going through an online TBL itself, very practical tips and advices.

Dr. Zhe Han

National University of Singapore, Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy

Getting to experience TBL for myself throughout the workshops, and hearing about the experiences of so many others who have tried it in different areas was an insightful experience.

Nicolette Richardson

York University, Associate Professor, KINE Anatomy

It was valuable to be able to experience myself how TBL online can work and to see some of the problems we can anticipate when implementing it.

Christa Wood

University of Wollongong, Lecturer, Management


Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
Dr. Julie M Estis
Dr. Julie M Estis Associate Professor, Speech Therapy University of South Alabama
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”
It was a great expirience!
Star Fill Star Fill Star Fill Star 6 Star 6
“Outstanding tool for face-to-face, web-blended and fully online TBL courses! We’ve been using InteDashboard across several TBL classes at the University of South Alabama and are consistently impressed with the tool as well as the exceptional support from the team. We look forward to increasing utilization of InteDashboard through our campus-wide project.”